Thursday, July 10, 2008

Summer 08

So since I have been spending my summer at the William's (see John and Jen's profile links to the right ->)I get into a new routine here then I would on a normal summer at my house. The past few Summers have been me by myself remodling my room, cleaning my house, and reading. This summer it has changed dramitcally.

I have picked up some new obsessions.
~Johnathan taught Jen and I how to play Yatzee last week, and the 3 of us have played it like 5 times in less then a week!! I may not be amazing at it, bubt it is so addicting.

~Every summer when I spend time with my cousins at their house they build puzzles, well I took that idea and brought it to the Williams house along with a 10 puzle box set. The whole family contributes, and we use our brains.

~I got the kids hooked on the concept of free books, and movies from the library. We go like 3x's a week, even the 3 year old loves it. I checked out Sleepy Hollow fromthe library this week, now tomorrow Karli and I are going to watch the Tim Burtton version of the movie. I am going to try and convince her read the book after it, but Im not holding my breath. I love to read, so anytime they get roudy I can just say "Ok, everyone go to a quite place a read for an hour, and I get to do something I love, and the children learn to love the written word. Really a win/win situation I think.

1 comment:

Jennifer Williams said...

The Williams' family is truly blessed to have you. It's funny cause you're with us so much don't know what we are going to do come fall... you are family. You also get to see us in all our magnificent dysfunction. Hope it doesn't scare you too bad :) Seriously though Summer 2008 will be a memorable one. Thanks for taking the time with the kids and teachin them more to be christlike and less to be them like. Your support has truly made a difference. We love you!!!!!!
PS Get the Yhatzee ready I'll be home soon :)