When I was at Stacie's house yesterday her dad jokingly said to me that she was going to marry a guy would would score lower on the quiz that she had on her blog then she did. Well I was very curious to what this quiz was, and so I took it for fun. Check out my results:
Wax a car: Yes
Hitch up a trailer to your car: Yes
Jump start a car: Yes
Perform the Heimlich: Yes
Carve a turkey: Yes (one of the only things I remember from Culinary school...)
Use a sewing machine: No (and I sew for fun, crazy huh?)
Put out a fire: Yes
Remove bloodstains from fabric: Kinda, but not entirely
Move heavy stuff: Yes
Grow food: Yes
Read en electric meter: No
Solder wire: Yes
Replace a faucet washer: No
Iron a shirt: Yes
Fix a toilet tank flapper: Yes (because when you buy it, it comes with directions, duh. lol)
Change a diaper: Yes
Grill with charcoal: Yes
Sew a button on a shirt: Yes
Fold a flag: NO
Remove a tick: Yes
Shine shoes: Yes
Make a drum-tight bed: No (what does that even mean?)
Escape a rip current: Yes
Build a fire in the wilderness: Heck Yes
Change a tire: Yes
Tie a bowline: NO
Tie a necktie: Yes
Drive a stick shift: No
Install a graphics card: No
Calibrate HDTV settings: No
Shoot a home movie: Yes
Ditch your hard drive: No (unless I throw it away)
Ok, so from this quiz I learned that machines and I don't get along, but that I spent a lot of time paying attention to my Dad as a kid, or that I am a real Country Girl. I am going with the first assumption, thanks Dad.