Saturday, October 25, 2008

Bombs and Silver Stars

My dad sent me an e-mail this morning that told a courageous tale about a man who fought in Vietnam and save the life of his platoon, who went into battles without helmets. Single handed he fought of a band of enemy soldiers to near decimation before the rest of his platoon could show up. He fought off gun fire, grenades, and a close encounter with an AK-47. He did all this when he was 19 years old. To read the whole humble and amazing story you can read it here.

I know this blog seems a bit random. But I am sharing this tale with you because this man is my Uncle's brother, and he was awarded a silver star for combat in Vietnam. Most men didn't make it out of that war, and a lot who did were not the same. This man came back and was humble about his heroic deeds.

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