Monday, October 27, 2008

For our Troops

My mom sent me an e-mail that had a link to send our troops a card of thanks for what they are doing. It is so easy to forget that our fellow Americans are still over seas fighting for Freedom. Whether or not you believe they are there for the right reasons they are still there going through Hell on Earth everyday. I think we all should take the 2 mins it takes to pick our a card that a child has drawn to send them encouragement for what they are doing for this country.

Thank you Xerox for allowing us to be able to support our troops.
Lets say thanks

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Dear Sister

For all of you that have been on pins and needles like have to see this video here it is. A shout out to Amy who let me know that it was on myspace. Thanks Ams!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you the greatest video on the face of this Earth (in my opinion)
its "Dear Sister"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Dear Sister"

Bombs and Silver Stars

My dad sent me an e-mail this morning that told a courageous tale about a man who fought in Vietnam and save the life of his platoon, who went into battles without helmets. Single handed he fought of a band of enemy soldiers to near decimation before the rest of his platoon could show up. He fought off gun fire, grenades, and a close encounter with an AK-47. He did all this when he was 19 years old. To read the whole humble and amazing story you can read it here.

I know this blog seems a bit random. But I am sharing this tale with you because this man is my Uncle's brother, and he was awarded a silver star for combat in Vietnam. Most men didn't make it out of that war, and a lot who did were not the same. This man came back and was humble about his heroic deeds.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

When I was at Stacie's house yesterday her dad jokingly said to me that she was going to marry a guy would would score lower on the quiz that she had on her blog then she did. Well I was very curious to what this quiz was, and so I took it for fun.

Check out my results:

Wax a car: Yes
Hitch up a trailer to your car: Yes
Jump start a car: Yes
Perform the Heimlich: Yes
Carve a turkey: Yes (one of the only things I remember from Culinary school...)
Use a sewing machine: No (and I sew for fun, crazy huh?)
Put out a fire: Yes
Remove bloodstains from fabric: Kinda, but not entirely
Move heavy stuff: Yes
Grow food: Yes
Read en electric meter: No
Solder wire: Yes
Replace a faucet washer: No
Iron a shirt: Yes
Fix a toilet tank flapper: Yes (because when you buy it, it comes with directions, duh. lol)
Change a diaper: Yes
Grill with charcoal: Yes
Sew a button on a shirt: Yes
Fold a flag: NO
Remove a tick: Yes
Shine shoes: Yes
Make a drum-tight bed: No (what does that even mean?)
Escape a rip current: Yes
Build a fire in the wilderness: Heck Yes
Change a tire: Yes
Tie a bowline: NO
Tie a necktie: Yes
Drive a stick shift: No
Install a graphics card: No
Calibrate HDTV settings: No
Shoot a home movie: Yes
Ditch your hard drive: No (unless I throw it away)

Ok, so from this quiz I learned that machines and I don't get along, but that I spent a lot of time paying attention to my Dad as a kid, or that I am a real Country Girl. I am going with the first assumption, thanks Dad.

In Love...

I am in Love with these two songs right now!!

Sara Bareilles- Bottle It Up

Taylor Swift- Love Story

I know I am a Hopeless Romantic, but I know its going to be worth it <3

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dear Sister

I love Andy Samburg. If you don't know who he is, he is an actor from SNL who made a bunch of Digital Shorts. Today I was listening to Imogen Heap's Hide and Seek song and it reminded me of the Digital short with Andy and Shia Lebouf. It is hands down the funniest Digital Short Andy has ever made. I looked all over the internet to watch it again, but I couldn't find it anywhere. All the links had been deleted or no longer existed. I even looked on Hulu which has a ton of SNL skits, and nothing. So if anyone out there finds the Dear Sister video, PLEASE let me know.

And so I leave you with another funny Digital short. Its a golden oldie that put Andy on the map of awesomeness.