Thursday, January 31, 2008


Part I-God is awesome!! Now I have always know this, but I love the reminders He gives me. Ok, so I'm not going to lie any more, not that I was, but "It Ends Now"! So I have had for the past um, few weeks had a 'crush' (loser word) on a guy. I am notorious for having crushes on guys that end no where but in heart ache because I don't talk to God about them, after all I gave my heart to God, who am I to try and re-give it away to a new guy once a month. So any who, there is this guy that I tried hard from the first official meet to not have a crush on him, because I knew he'd be like all the rest. To make a long story short (too late) I prayed to God that if this guy was just a distraction, like all the rest, from me full filling God purpose for me, just to take away this distraction. And within 3 days God came through!!! Now I still am going to be friends with said person, but God has changed my heart's intentions!!! I love my Abba!!!!

Part II- The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. God gave the other half of Stacie squared mother cancer, and then He took it away. Praise!!! But the Lord has found it apart of His plans to give it again. Until further notice we are in Deathcom 5 prayer needs. This woman through her good days and bad, has glorified the Lord, and worked towards His kingdom through the church. She needs our help, our love, and our child like "Get Well Soon" colored cards. So I repeat Deathcom 5 prayers and cheesy gifts should be delivered to her hospital bed. Further notice will be posted at a later time. That is all.

Dog Hair

This morning after I swept our living room, which had enough dog hair to make 3 puppies, as I walked towards my computer my big toe started huring in a prickly sort of way. So when I looked at it, and there was what look like a splinter sticking out of my toe, but it was long and white. When I pulled it, it was a pug hair!?! I had no one idea that you could get a splinter from dog hair.

Monday, January 28, 2008


This weekend was a busy yet satisfying weekend. Saturday I sleep in and watched the Mag team's kids. 6 in all (2 2's, a 3,a 6,a 9, & a 10year old), and only minor accidents!! Was able to have table time with our(Amy & Mine) wonderful 8th grade girls. I love talking to the youth about God, they have some of the deepest questions, and they want to know the answers and just prove you wrong. Amy and I were then able to have a small and cozy social with 2 of our girls at Amy's house where we had pizza and watched Hairspray. If you haven't watched Hairspray just know that John Travolta is the scariest character I have ever witnessed, sorry Freddy but John wins hands down. Then I ran off early to babysit for my nanny job until past midnight. The baby woke up screaming, but I learned to appreciate him even more because he was in pain and just wanted some one to let him know they loved him. And I had the privilege to be that person.

Sunday was a laid back day. Served in High school, re-wired a internet cable, and studied Environmental science whilst trying to deceive a plan, with IE, to when, where and which plague to set on the world because there are too many people on this Earth. But for now I think we are going to leave it in God's hands, for now.

I have been praying for a long time for God to save me from the financial rut Ive been in. It makes me so mad that I have to put so much effort into making a money so that I can live in this man controlled world, instead of putting all my efforts to better God's kingdom while on Earth. Right now I know I have to do both, and Im oober grateful that God has never failed me to pay all my bills. God always provides a way out, and always has a job for me by people who love me, and I don't hate any of my jobs. I have nothing but praise for God, but for now I await the day when I don't have to work, and I can become a vagabond and wander the Earth glorifying God's name.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Fact: Flowers for Alger non was the first book to ever make me cry (9th grade)

Fact: I have come to grips that I am part Dwight K. Shrute

Catchy and Educational

I know some of you are waiting for a Winter Camp update, but this is not it. This post is something completely different. This post is to show you a link that my dad sent me. I find this video catchy and educational. Yes, this is only one of my geeky sides.

the voice is that of Eric Idle, one of the original Monty Python cast members, for which my blog heading is because of that audacious motley crew.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Girls Night!!

Last night the girls from our bible study met at Starbucks!!! It was so much fun because we just hung out. We didn't have anything planned, we didn't do it within a time limit it was just a bunch of girls hanging out. After Starbucks we went to Great Wraps, and then we went back to Carson's ( long 'O') house and watched Hairspray. Carson, Rachel, and I had a hard time trying not to sing along to all the songs. We slipped every once and awhile, but we did try not to ruin the movie for the first time watchers Leah and Amy. It was a groovy night and I can't wait until our next girls night!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

My adiction

Ok so for the past few weeks every time I go on the computer I always have to play on Facebook: Oregon Trail , and the Pirates applications. I love Oregon Trail because it's just old school fun, and you never know what new disease is just around the river bend. And Pirates is this simple game where you press the next button until you either pillage a village, or search a deserted island for booty. yes both of these games are simple. But Im an easy to please girl. If you wanna joining my crew I am always in need of quick Pirate hands, but everyone (including me, sigh) died on my last venture to the new frontier, stupid manifest destiny!!!

Radom Fact #201- I have a shirt that my sister gave me that reads "You have died of Dysentery". yeah I guess I have Oregon Trail in my blood(if not, at least on my shirt), even if I'm not the best pioneer on the wagon.

Harry Potter has left a scar on me

So I spent a good portion of today sitting on the couch watching movies, and Chef Gordon Ramsey hand people their bottoms.... One of the movies I started watching was Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I think I was able to watch 15 minutes of it before I almost started crying. No the movie wasn't sad but in the 7th book ~*SPOILER*~ All the people I was watching in the 4th movie died in the last book. I kept thinking oh, poor George, and then Colin Creevy your too young to die. I was so sadden by future events in a fictional world I couldn't watch the dead people walking. And then I started watching Gordon Ramsey and Robert Irving "Impossible Dinner". And yes if you all were wondering I did cry in the 4th HP book, and almost cried in the 7th, I had to compose myself many times just to keep going.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

My Family

Families come in all shapes and sizes. Some families are missing a compontent, and some have extras running around. My family isn't what you would normally think of when you think family. We have a Grandpa, and the rest of us are brothers and sisters. If you think that this family is wierd its because you haven't met us yet, cause then you know our family is the crazest bunch of college students you have ever seen. Did I forget to metion that my family is my small group? Well they are. If you do not have the privlage to know our family let me tell you a little something about our hogepoge of hooligans. We meet every Monday night at Grandpa Mo's house, we eat a pot luck dinner, and then we seperate boys and girls. I can't speak for the boys, but us girls have a blast. I have never see so many girls bear their souls out on the coffee table like we do. We lift eachother up, keep each other accountable, and laugh at eachother like only a loving sister can do with out hurting another sisters feelings. We laugh, we cry, we make fun of each other, and have inside jokes. But most importantly we are there for eachother when we struggle with our faith, we remind eachother that we aren't alone, that we have an awesome God that has blessed us with sisters that truely care about our lives.
We try to attend the 5pm Service(Pulse) at FRC, and we try to hang out as much as often. I know that if it weren't for my family, I would not be able to survive this world. My God gave me an earthly family thats not always there for me, but He mercifully blessed me with an early Homecoming family, to show me a glimpse of what heaven will be like one day, laughing, happy tears, and conversations about God and His Love for us!