Saturday, January 12, 2008

Harry Potter has left a scar on me

So I spent a good portion of today sitting on the couch watching movies, and Chef Gordon Ramsey hand people their bottoms.... One of the movies I started watching was Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I think I was able to watch 15 minutes of it before I almost started crying. No the movie wasn't sad but in the 7th book ~*SPOILER*~ All the people I was watching in the 4th movie died in the last book. I kept thinking oh, poor George, and then Colin Creevy your too young to die. I was so sadden by future events in a fictional world I couldn't watch the dead people walking. And then I started watching Gordon Ramsey and Robert Irving "Impossible Dinner". And yes if you all were wondering I did cry in the 4th HP book, and almost cried in the 7th, I had to compose myself many times just to keep going.

1 comment:

Ro(bert)o Lopez said...

Harry Potter = Evil!!!.....hahaha