Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Girls Night!!

Last night the girls from our bible study met at Starbucks!!! It was so much fun because we just hung out. We didn't have anything planned, we didn't do it within a time limit it was just a bunch of girls hanging out. After Starbucks we went to Great Wraps, and then we went back to Carson's ( long 'O') house and watched Hairspray. Carson, Rachel, and I had a hard time trying not to sing along to all the songs. We slipped every once and awhile, but we did try not to ruin the movie for the first time watchers Leah and Amy. It was a groovy night and I can't wait until our next girls night!!!

1 comment:

Brittnee said...

you said goovy.
And it is YOU who makes MY heart smile.
have a blast in NC!