Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 2/3 in the Disney Adventure

Ok to catch you all up on my newest leg of my 4 month disney adventure I will start off by letting you all know I have found out where I will be working. drum rool pleae..brapadummmm... I will be working in either Liberty Square and/or Aventureland in Magic Kingdom.

Tomorrow during my in park Orientation I will find out my specific role, but I am hoping for either the Jungle Cruise or the Haunted Mansion.

Early this morning I was able to go to a buliding I have passed hundreds of times, always thinking "One day I will be there as a Cast Member." The Disney Casting building. I went there on not so exciting terms, but once I got all my ducks in a row I was able to leave there with my seat in The Disney Traditions class that I wanted.
So this afternoon I will be taking the Traditions class that I have always hearda bout, and always taken.

I will be working on a video to show you all a tour of my apartment. i have almost moved everything in, all I am missing is to assemble a self unit thingy. See you real soon!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day one and Orientation

Hey guys!! Well I have finally arrived!! This is the day I have been working and planing for the past month and a half, and the day that you all have prayed for and anticipated. This post probably isn't going to be the juiciest blog of them all but its only day one people.

I started my morning before the sun did and was on route with my Starbucks coffee by 6am. I was able to watch the sunrise. I only got deterred a few times, but I arrived at the apartment center at 10am, only an hr late. I stood in 11 different lines, and filled out numerous amounts of paper work. Then I rode for the first (of what will be hundreds) of the transit bus system that took us to another (way nicer) apartment complex to have a hilarious mundane orientation where I won a photo album for answering he question "how many countries are college students coming from for the intern program?" I answered 60 and the answer was 63!!

I have now almost completely unpacked, I have only to get my suitcase that has almost all my clothes in it, save fore my over nite bag because I knew I was going to be too tired to lug a 1ton suitcase up 3 flights of stairs.

My apartment has 3 other female students. And o easy your minds all, no I did not end up with my wiccan friend. When I checked-in the computer said that I had no matched roomate. I am sleeping and sharing a bathroom with a girl named Heather form California, who is in the fast food and beverage program. The other room is being shared by a girl named Kathleen who is from Illinois and is also in the fast food and beverage program. And get this, there is a girl from FIU who is i the Attractions program like me, her name is Kanisha.

Well everyone is lounging around and hungry. So I am going to go now, and hopefully eat something healthy.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ark it the truth

The Woodpecker Might have to go!

Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah's Ark
One : Don't miss the boat.
Two : Remember that we are all in the same boat.
Three : Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.
Four : Stay fit When you're 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.
Five : Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.
Six : Build your future on high ground.
Seven : For safety's sake, travel in pairs.
Eight : Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
Nine : When you're stressed, float a while.
Ten : Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

t-11 days

Gmail - Disney College Program_ See you real soon! -
Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!

I got an e-mail today from Disney. It is less than 2 weeks now that I pack up my Beetle (Starr) for the first time and move to Lake Buena Vista and become a Disney intern. I am so excited for this opportunity, and yet I am sad to leave my family and friends. But I know God is going to use this opportunity to glorify His name, and He is going to use me to do it!!

Disney Here I Come!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So yeah  am a HP (Harry Potter) nerd. I was super bored today I decided to check out my old stomping grounds via the web. I remember an old HP site called the, during my strool down memory lane I stubled accross this video and its follow up.

They are hilarious, well at least to those of us that get the inside lingo.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My own "New Moon"

I have been for the past 5 or so months devouring the Twilight book series, several times. I am on my 3rd round of reading all the books, and this time StacIE is reading them with me. Every time I start reading one of the books I fear that they will consume me, my mind, my time, my life, my emotions. Books are a powerful thing, but these book are unlike anything I have ever read. 

When I read Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings I became so obsessed with the story and world that these books tell about that I go beyond the books for a big and better view of their world. For Pete's sakes I learned Quenya, which is a Tolkien created language, and I played RPG's in a community forum. 

But Twilight is something completely different, its like a drug. I am waiting for IE to finish Eclipse(book #3) so we can read the 4th and final book, Breaking Dawn. I am itching to pick it up again for the 2nd time, but I don't want to devour it like I have with all the other books. I have never been this way with a book, especially a series. I read all the HP books once, and then once again before each movie comes out, and LOTR I have only read once. 

They shouldn't have group meeting to talk about Twilight and get excited, they should have support meetings about how its all with think about, its what we breathe for, and how we would go to the ends of the earth in all hopes that its real. I am not alone, so don't think I am crazy. I have met others like me, and my cousin plans on going to Seattle during the summer, and then taking a side trip to Forks (the place where the story is set). And I am jealous, even though time and time again I remind myself not to get caught up in the story, its not real, people don't really act like that.
 Men aren't that romantic, but then there is apart of me that says what if. God knows the deepest desires of my heart, won't he send me my Adam in and Edward wrapped package?? Not the Vampire shaped package, but the beautiful and completely devoted to loving me package??

Way to go Stephenie Myers, you made finding the true love bar ridiculously high, and no, I am not lowering it for mere mortals. They will just have to rise to the occasion, I think I'm worth it.