Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 2/3 in the Disney Adventure

Ok to catch you all up on my newest leg of my 4 month disney adventure I will start off by letting you all know I have found out where I will be working. drum rool pleae..brapadummmm... I will be working in either Liberty Square and/or Aventureland in Magic Kingdom.

Tomorrow during my in park Orientation I will find out my specific role, but I am hoping for either the Jungle Cruise or the Haunted Mansion.

Early this morning I was able to go to a buliding I have passed hundreds of times, always thinking "One day I will be there as a Cast Member." The Disney Casting building. I went there on not so exciting terms, but once I got all my ducks in a row I was able to leave there with my seat in The Disney Traditions class that I wanted.
So this afternoon I will be taking the Traditions class that I have always hearda bout, and always taken.

I will be working on a video to show you all a tour of my apartment. i have almost moved everything in, all I am missing is to assemble a self unit thingy. See you real soon!!

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

awesome stacey, can't wait to hear more about it.
