Monday, January 26, 2009

Day one and Orientation

Hey guys!! Well I have finally arrived!! This is the day I have been working and planing for the past month and a half, and the day that you all have prayed for and anticipated. This post probably isn't going to be the juiciest blog of them all but its only day one people.

I started my morning before the sun did and was on route with my Starbucks coffee by 6am. I was able to watch the sunrise. I only got deterred a few times, but I arrived at the apartment center at 10am, only an hr late. I stood in 11 different lines, and filled out numerous amounts of paper work. Then I rode for the first (of what will be hundreds) of the transit bus system that took us to another (way nicer) apartment complex to have a hilarious mundane orientation where I won a photo album for answering he question "how many countries are college students coming from for the intern program?" I answered 60 and the answer was 63!!

I have now almost completely unpacked, I have only to get my suitcase that has almost all my clothes in it, save fore my over nite bag because I knew I was going to be too tired to lug a 1ton suitcase up 3 flights of stairs.

My apartment has 3 other female students. And o easy your minds all, no I did not end up with my wiccan friend. When I checked-in the computer said that I had no matched roomate. I am sleeping and sharing a bathroom with a girl named Heather form California, who is in the fast food and beverage program. The other room is being shared by a girl named Kathleen who is from Illinois and is also in the fast food and beverage program. And get this, there is a girl from FIU who is i the Attractions program like me, her name is Kanisha.

Well everyone is lounging around and hungry. So I am going to go now, and hopefully eat something healthy.

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