Monday, May 5, 2008

A Need and A Deed

So the other day I walked out to my mail box and inside was a little yellow flyer. I like to read my junk mail because you never know what might be useful. This little paper was a announcement that Silver Trail Middle school (the middle school I went to) Was having a fund raiser Garage Sale May 12th to raise money for research for Histiocytosis...

When I was two years old I was diagnosed with Histiocytosis X. One of the rarest genetic disease in America. It was so rare that there was little to no information on it at all. No one had done any real research on it because it was so rare. They treated it like cancer, and if it went away with chemo treatments great, if not sorry there was no other ideas.

Histiocytosis X is 10 rare diseases rolled into one name because they are so rare that they don't get individual names. I learned recently, within the past 5 years, that it is a blood disease that forms hard masses in you blood stream in long arteries. If one of the masses block your heart, lungs, or brain you were out of luck. They have no idea where it comes from, how it starts, and how to really treat it.

Chemo worked for me, and now I am in full recovery with the slimest chance for it to come back. And know I know its my turn to help others who are suffering from the same disease. Ever since I was little I wanted to do something to help fund research, now I can by supporting Silver Trail in their efforts for research funding. Please help them by showing up next Saturday and buying one item. I know that there are a few people that read my blog, and everyONE counts.

Please help because IT Matters to me.

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